Actief gebied
14 gebieden
Erkend sinds
01 mei 2008
Internationale hulp en mensenrechten
3 doelgroepen
Dit willen we bereiken
Onze uitgaven (2023)
€ 16.119.139
Maatschappelijk doel87%
Beheer en administratie8%
Contribution to the stability of communities affected by conflict, crisis (e.g., climate crisis) and displacement, through improving the economic inclusion of marginalised youth, specifically
young women and youth with refugee or internal displacement status.
Zo bereiken we ons doel
Doelbesteding (2023)
€ 13.964.197
Educatie, opleidingen en cursussen32%
Impact investing68%
- We facilitate our partners' start up and scale up activities for local businesses.
- We facilitate our partners' skill up and match up activities for local marginalised youth.
- We leverage the capacity of our local partners and connnect them with other stakeholders in their eco-support systems.
- We facilitate advocacy for improving local regulatory frameworks in business development and job creation/mathcing.
Zo komen wij aan ons geld
Onze inkomsten (2023)
€ 16.112.113
Subsidies van overheden94%
Organisaties zonder winststreven5%
Verkopen en overig1%
SPARK’s primary income is coming from governmental and institutional grants and a number of private sector donors. Main sources of income during the last 3-5 years include: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU, Qatar Fund for Development, Islamic Development Bank, etc.
De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2023.