
Terre des Hommes Nederland

Our mission is to protect children by preventing and stopping child exploitation. And by empowering children to make their voices count.

Dit willen we oplossen

Millions of children still find themselves in exploitative situations and need support to regain their power.

Dit is waar we trots op zijn

In 2023 we had 58 projects in Asia, East Africa and Europe. During the year, 144,950 children directly benefited from our projects.



Actief gebied

21 gebieden



Erkend sinds

01 januari 1997


Internationale hulp en mensenrechten


3 doelgroepen


Dit willen we bereiken

Cijfers van

Vergelijken met

Onze uitgaven (2023)

€ 28.813.435

Lifting up children’s voices in an evidence-informed approach to stopping child exploitation through systemic change.

Zo bereiken we ons doel

Doelbesteding (2023)

€ 21.906.677

  1. We will champion trusting and collaborative relationships through accountable partnerships and valuing our people.
  2. We will generate and share knowledge, particularly through child participation, insight and influential expertise.
  3. Through the implementation of our programmes and advocacy we will work towards realising systemic change to stop child exploitation.

Zo komen wij aan ons geld

Onze inkomsten (2023)

€ 27.970.311

We receive private donations from our loyal donor base of nearly 70,000 individuals. We receive government subsidies and foundations. We also receive an annual donation from the Nationale Postcode Loterij.

De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2023.

Wil je weten wat de Erkenning betekent?

Wat is de CBF-Erkenning?