
Aflatoun International

We offer social and financial education to millions of children and young people worldwide.

Dit willen we oplossen

In many countries children and young people do not have the knowledge and skills to actively participate and contribute to their societies, which are often characterised by weak education systems, poor social services and limited employment opportunities.

Dit is waar we trots op zijn

Aflatoun International reaches 5.4 million children and young people ever year. Our programmes are implemented in more than 100 countries through a strong network of 200 partners providing the next generation with the tools to run their own social and financial enterprise.



Actief gebied

111 gebieden



Erkend sinds

01 april 2009


Internationale hulp en mensenrechten


3 doelgroepen


Dit willen we bereiken

Cijfers van

Vergelijken met

Onze uitgaven (2022)

€ 5.198.850

Aflatoun International aims to provide children and young people with the tools to build a better future. By becoming socially and economically empowered they are inspired to discover their talents and stand up for their rights, enabling them to make a positive change to life.

Zo bereiken we ons doel

Doelbesteding (2022)

€ 4.043.179

  1. Providing children and young people with life skills through education.
  2. Advocate for international recognition of the need to empower every girl and boy with social & financial knowledge and skills.
  3. Improve the quality of existing curricula, and ensure its relevance and effectiveness by linking it to emerging issues.
  4. Accelerate the scale-up of Social and Financial Education while ensuring quality and maximising our reach through a strengthened network.

Zo komen wij aan ons geld

Onze inkomsten (2022)

€ 5.199.005

Aflatoun International en haar partners krijgen geldelijke ondersteuning van verschillende institutionele, zakelijke en philantropische organisaties. Voor de operationele kosten is de Postcode Loterij een grote steun.

De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2022.

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