
Cultural Emergency Response

Cultural Emergency Response (CER) is an international NGO that co-ordinates and supports locally-led protection of heritage under threat..

Dit willen we oplossen

We provide fast, flexible support to fit the needs of local actors in crisis situations & invest in the capacities of our partners through dialogue, training, & sharing expertise. Our advocacy work makes the case that cultural rescue is a vital component of humanitarian aid..

Dit is waar we trots op zijn

We believe local actors are best-placed to protect their cultural heritage. Our partners can identify the most pressing needs to respond to & prepare for disaster or conflict-related threats to cultural heritage. Decentralisation is at the core of our way of working..



Actief gebied

139 gebieden



Erkend sinds

01 december 2024


Kunst en cultuur


5 doelgroepen


Dit willen we bereiken

Cijfers van

Vergelijken met

Onze uitgaven (2023)

€ 2.584.511

We want to build a strong & inclusive heritage system in a world that acknowledges the importance of cultural heritage for the well-being of people & communities & recognises it's protection as a humanitarian issue..

Zo bereiken we ons doel

Doelbesteding (2023)

€ 2.412.272

  1. Rapid Response: An effective emergency granting mechanism to support locally-led heritage protection in crisis situations. .
  2. Decentralised Response: Strengthening regional capacity for emergency preparedness & response through CER local network & regional hubs..
  3. Collaborative Impact: Cultivating & enhancing partnerships, collaboration, & advocacy for heritage protection in crisis situations.

Zo komen wij aan ons geld

Onze inkomsten (2023)

€ 2.573.977

The majority of CER’s income comes from other non-profit organisations, from donors, funds and some private individuals. .

De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2023.

Wil je weten wat de Erkenning betekent?

Wat is de CBF-Erkenning?