
Stichting Codine

Foster Intercultural dialogue and Empower people with Migrant Background. Its also undertake International development project in Africa.

Dit willen we oplossen

*Empowering young people with migrant background for a smooth transition in the host society. * Fostering Global Education and intercultural dialogue. * Foster sustainable development in developing countries with special focus to Africa.

Dit is waar we trots op zijn

We are proud of many achievement of the last year especially: * Implementing youth led project that have a direct impact in our communities in the Netherlands, we have implemented project on Sustainability, on diversity and on Intercultural skills. * Empowering young people



Actief gebied

4 gebieden



Erkend sinds

01 januari 2024


Internationale hulp en mensenrechten


8 doelgroepen


Dit willen we bereiken

Cijfers van

Vergelijken met

Onze uitgaven (2023)

€ 17.649

* On the backdrop of the successful short term project we had, we would like to have a platform that implement Long term project. * Leveraging digital tools to reach a bigger audience * Sustainable financing to make sure our project maintain the highest quality.

Zo bereiken we ons doel

Doelbesteding (2023)

€ 16.899

  1. * Ramping up partnership and fundraising campaign. * Building efficiency in our process and Budget.

Zo komen wij aan ons geld

Onze inkomsten (2023)

€ 3.221

* We mostly apply for grants.

De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2023.

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