Actief gebied
20 gebieden
Erkend sinds
01 mei 2024
Internationale hulp en mensenrechten
Vrouwen en meisjes
Dit willen we bereiken
Onze uitgaven (2023)
€ 14.564.623
WW works to advance girls’ and women’s rights amidst the scarce resources currently available for feminist movements by creating strategic alliances, co-creating collective funds based on shared governance and championing innovative approaches to strengthening movements.
Zo bereiken we ons doel
Doelbesteding (2023)
€ 13.393.398
- Through GRLS we advance the playing field that progresses gender equity in and through sport and play.
- Win-Win Strategies builds bridges to advance girls' and women's economic resilience through impactful partnerships and holistic approaches.
- Ignita catalyses a shift in the philanthropy ecosystem that strengthens movements’ capacities to drive change on their own terms.
Zo komen wij aan ons geld
Onze inkomsten (2023)
€ 21.105.325
Particulieren (0%)
Deze inkomsten zijn als volgt onderverdeeld:
€ 3.318
WW's fundraising and partnership ethos is grounded in transparency, equity, mutual benefit, and accountability. Our current funding portfolio includes governments, multilaterals, non-profits, corporates, corporate foundations, and individuals.
De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2023.